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发布日期:2025-01-04 16:25    点击次数:105

  不只中文,英文也常常代表著其他意思,這次小編分享幾個與天氣有關,但實際意思與天氣完全無關的片語,也有例句給大家參考! 可以學起來避免之後與別人交談時搞錯表達的意思喔!   1. under the weather身體不適 My roommate has been under the weather these days; it seems that I should take care of myself well, too.   2. clam before the storm暴風雨前的寧靜 It seems that Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin are going to have a big fight. The peace sight you see now is just the calm before the storm.   3. take by storm風靡、大獲成功 The new film featuring the famous director Christopher Edward Nolan took by storm nowadays. Many of my friends has already watched it in a movie theater.   4. kick up a storm 製造騷動,惹人生氣 The drunken foreign at the club kicked up a storm so that the guardian asked him to leave immediately.   5. storm in a teacup 大驚小怪 特別解釋一下,這個片語字面上的意思是茶杯裡有風暴,本身意思就很浮誇,因此引申為大驚小怪。 The quarrel between the actor and his girlfriend was just a storm in a teacup. They just wanted to validate their existence.(刷存在)   6. on cloud nine樂翻了 After winning the championship of the game, he was on cloud nine.   7. rain on somebody’s parade掃興、潑冷水 Mrs. Chen is such an annoyance. Every time when we think we have come up with a good idea, she just keeps raining on our parade.   8. Throw caution to the wind 不顧一切 It is the midterm exam the next week, yet they act as if they have thrown caution to the wind.   9. twilight zone 模糊不清 Twilight 的意思是暮光,相信有看過暮光之城的人應該都知道。在有暮光的時候有時會有薄霧,因此眼睛看到的東西都會模糊不清。 This case is really a paradox. It’s completely a twilight zone between good and evil.   10. storm out憤怒地離開 Tony stormed out his dorm after seeing his bed occupied